3 Ways CGs Can Increase Online Conversions and Decrease Returns
Without the constraints of a physical space, CG brands can create more engaging and interactive ways to move items into the cart and through the checkout process. For example, using a detailed wellness analysis on product contents and item assortment, can help to drive better engagement. Consider the types of wellness categories a product assortment falls into and find gaps or promote product combinations for wellness-friendly diets.
It’s also telling that Amazon was listed as one of the top grocery retailers in 2020. By meeting consumers where they are (online), and providing relevant and informative nutritional details, brands can meet the demands of today’s consumers on digital shelves.
3. Experiment and be prepared to evolve
In today’s world, brands and retailers are expected to have an online presence. So much so that 74% of our clients said they are trying to recreate their in-store shopping experiences online.
We expect this year will show an even greater expansion of online and automated capabilities for shoppers. That’s why it’s important to evaluate your digital tools to ensure you’re prepared for the continued growth in ecommerce.
To stay at the forefront of the evolving landscape, brands and retailers must be open to trying new things, adopting new technologies and seeing what resonates with consumers.
Consumers expect more than convenience — they want transparency and expect to find any information they need about a product immediately. Shoppers are also starting to connect and interact with brands more deeply online. Thus, the environment you create for them can lead to a sale or have them look elsewhere.
Adding enhanced content to a product detail page, leveraging wellness trends, and experimenting with new digital ideas improves brand trust, ultimately increasing online conversions and decreasing returns. To simply list out product features and benefits misses out on the opportunity to deliver engaging shopping experiences online.