Five Ways AR Can Improve Package Design
For example, beverage manufacturers need their bottles to perform in a diverse array of environments: drugstore, grocery store and warehouse club, but also on the mahogany bar in a home and in a dimly lit bar with mirrored glass. Using VR to test packaging in all those contexts — even down to a small shop in another country — is therefore invaluable. With so many expense and time constraints, there’s no other expedient way to physically test all of those locations.
Furthermore, immersive VR technologies that use Oculus enable "shoppers" to physically walk around a grocery store, bar or other created scenario and pick up items directly off the shelf. It’s easy to see the value in constructing a virtual store to improve your package design and marketing messaging by seeing it in its intended environment.
4. Enable faster, more sustainable consumer research. When the design concept is complete, brand leaders commission research studies to see whether the package performs with consumers in different markets. In a process that can take up to 12 weeks, mockups are couriered from city to city, allowing moderators to collect feedback from consumers through focus groups and roadshows.
VR lets brands skip that long process by sending virtual mockups to different physical events across the world at the same time and even leveraging online consumer panels. Data collection and feedback that once took weeks can now be accomplished within hours. Beyond saving time, its also saves the cost of materials and transportation.
5. Predict the appearance of color. While many brands use color chips and swatches, they may not be utilizing online tools that virtualize appearance.
Digital-dependent color standards let designers see how colors will appear and how they might change based on the substrate being used. Digital color standards can also be implemented into VR technologies. As with other VR applications, using virtualized color software helps anticipate production issues early in the creative process, when colors are selected and specified.
With VR, designers can provide a more accurate representation of how packaging will look in its competitive environment. In this way, VR simplifies the packaging value chain, making the job of designers as well as leaders easier while saving time and money.
Once you start using VR in packaging, you’ll learn that the benefits are "VVR" — very, very real.
About the Author
Danielle Sauvé is director of customer insights and experience for Danaher Product Identification.Sheis a marketing technologist, writer and strategist for a collection of global companies owned by Danaher, including Pantone, MediaBeacon, Esko, X-Rite, AVT, Laetus and Videojet. During her 16-year career, Sauvé has held positions in many parts of the consumer packaging ecosystem: product manufacturer, promotional agency, brand strategy and package design firm, premedia firm and packaging management software start-up, giving her a uniquely broad perspective.