TerraCycle Makes Strides with Brigades
Most outdoor enthusiasts enjoy energy bars, granola, or trail mix before, during and after they hit the trails, streams and lakes. They already stash the leftover wrappers in pockets and backpacks to properly discard the used packaging when they return home. Now some of the industry's most trusted names, CLIF BAR, Kashi, Bear Naked and Odwalla, are rewarding people's efforts by creating a program that turns those wrappers and bags into eco-friendly products, while earning money for local charities.
The four leading brands sponsor TerraCycle "Brigades" or free collection programs that contribute two cents to a school or charity for every energy bar wrapper, granola bag, or Kashi packaging returned. In under a year, the programs have helped keep over a million and a half wrappers out of landfills -- TerraCycle collects the used packaging and other hard to recycle material and turns it into new products ranging from shower curtains to backpacks.
Similarly, offices and schools produce a tremendous amount of waste. The list includes pens, pencils, markers, highlighters, tape dispensers, glue sticks and bottles. Enter, TerraCycle, who has partnered with industry leaders such as Papermate, Sharpie, 3M, Scotch Tape, Elmer's and more to launch a new program that will help to clean up offices and schools nationwide.
TerraCycle's upcycling programs, called Brigades, are an easy way to reduce corporate waste while earning much needed funding for local organizations. Getting involved is simple. Sign up at the TerraCycle website (www.terrcycle.net), pick a local school or charity of your choice and print up free UPS return shipping labels. Fill and return a box with spent writing instruments, tape dispenser or glue bottles and TerraCycle will credit your account two cents or every piece returned.
The four leading brands sponsor TerraCycle "Brigades" or free collection programs that contribute two cents to a school or charity for every energy bar wrapper, granola bag, or Kashi packaging returned. In under a year, the programs have helped keep over a million and a half wrappers out of landfills -- TerraCycle collects the used packaging and other hard to recycle material and turns it into new products ranging from shower curtains to backpacks.
Similarly, offices and schools produce a tremendous amount of waste. The list includes pens, pencils, markers, highlighters, tape dispensers, glue sticks and bottles. Enter, TerraCycle, who has partnered with industry leaders such as Papermate, Sharpie, 3M, Scotch Tape, Elmer's and more to launch a new program that will help to clean up offices and schools nationwide.
TerraCycle's upcycling programs, called Brigades, are an easy way to reduce corporate waste while earning much needed funding for local organizations. Getting involved is simple. Sign up at the TerraCycle website (www.terrcycle.net), pick a local school or charity of your choice and print up free UPS return shipping labels. Fill and return a box with spent writing instruments, tape dispenser or glue bottles and TerraCycle will credit your account two cents or every piece returned.