Among the use cases were product ideation, influencer marketing, enabling personalization at scale in e-commerce, upskilling talent, autonomous retail and store design, supply chain transformation, and more.
For example, within supply chain transformation, attendees explored the myriad planning and forecasting challenges that occur when retailers classify SKUs in various ways. By using AI and machine learning, CPGs can harmonize product data so that it maps to internal hierarchy classification, the Infosys team explained.
This can potentially not only make it easier to view product classification regardless of retailer classification, but also improve joint planning sessions thanks to a more cohesive view of retailers’ product hierarchies, according to Infosys.
Members even had the chance to design a digital version of a luxury Birkin bag, and they enjoyed seeing the creative takes on each others’ journeys. The tour served to be an impactful visual guide for many of the themes they discussed during the various panels, presentations, and breakout groups over two days.
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