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Top 15 Tweets from Retail & Consumer Goods Analytics Summit

The 2015 Retail & Consumer Goods Analytics Summit came to a close last Screen-shot-2015-05-06-at-11-51-38-AM.pngweek, but the conference is still making quite a buzz in Twitter. When it comes to data and analytics, the two industries have a lot of opinions. Here is a snapshot of the content, comments, personalities and more, from #RCAS15:

1. RIS News Insights ‏@risnewsinsights May 1
Does your organization have a database, datamart or a data lake? If no data lake where do you put your unstructured data? #rcas15 #BigData

2. Gaurav Pant ‏@gpantEKN May 1
The grocery market is moving at a glacial pace and is ripe for disruption, will #amazon breakthrough? @debweinswig #RCAS15 @risnewsinsights

3. Gaurav Pant ‏@gpantEKN May 1
Subscription retailing is big, is 3Bn+ and will change how retailers think of their business model #RCAS15 @debweinswig @risnewsinsights

4. Sahir Anand ‏@sahiranand Apr 30
Easy to create #BigData model popular products compared to long tail products! @Macys #RCAS15 @CGTMagazine

5. RIS News Insights ‏@risnewsinsights Apr 30
@DaqingZhao @Macys You have to tell stories using data. It's not about the data or the modelling. #rcas15

6. Justin Honaman ‏@jhonaman Apr 30
Linda from @BurtchWorks should be hosting “speed networking” although her line would be out the door with the talent in this room #RCAS15

7. Justin Honaman ‏@jhonaman Apr 30
Top question asked of analytics leaders before considering a new career oppty: “Where does this role fit” If in IT, it’s a no-go. #RCAS15

8. Andrew Laudato ‏@AndrewLaudato Apr 30
"Unicorns aren't real, but four leaf clovers are.'re very lucky if you find one." Well said @jangollins #rcas15

9. Joe Skorupa ‏@joeskorupa Apr 30
U.S. Govt,, City of Chicago and City of New York all have chief data scientists. #rcas15

10. David Weinand ‏@djweinand Apr 30
a true #data scientist is part Software Engineer, Product Mgr, & Analytics Pro.  @WalmartLabs @EKNResearch
@risnewsinsights #rcas15

11. David Weinand ‏@djweinand Apr 30
Measure, Explain, Predict, Control, Optimize - How Data Capabilities are frameworked.  @WalmartLabs @risnewsinsights @EKNResearch #RCAS15

12. Joe Skorupa ‏@joeskorupa Apr 30
People share on Facebook what the KGB would not have gotten from torture. Today there is only the illusion of privacy.@aweigend #rcas15

13. RIS News Insights ‏@risnewsinsights Apr 30
Walmart gives suppliers visibility into products on shelves. In return they give Walmart visibility into competitive shelves. #rcas15

14. David Weinand ‏@djweinand Apr 30
Start with the decision you need to make, not w/ the data you have or don’t have.  @aweigend @risnewsinsights @EKNResearch #RCAS15

15. Justin Honaman ‏@jhonaman Apr 30
Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc are “data refineries” - wondering if #RCAS15 sponsors think they are also data refineries or data creators?

Click here to learn more about the 2015 Retail & Consumer Goods Analytics Summit, and be sure to follow @CGTMagazine and sister publication, @RISNewsInsights, for more updates and conversations about this event.
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