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Walmart Adds a New Brand Content Provider

Keeping content consistent across channels is a new challenge for omnichannel retailers. Just ask Walmart.

According to the latest "Forrester Research eCommerce" forecast, online retail sales are estimated to reach more than $500 billion by 2020, up from $373 billion in 2016. With the swiftly expanding digital shelf, manufacturers, retailers and e-commerce marketplaces are challenged with creating a consistent brand experience wherever and however consumers choose to shop — in store, online or via mobile.

To help meet the complex and expanding omnichannel content demand, recently expanded its supplier bench by partnering with ItemMaster, Inc., which has a long history of delivering content for the digital shelf.

ItemMaster began working with in November to improve the completeness and accuracy of the website's product information. The partnership allows for videos, commercials, and other content types to be made accessible to online shoppers.

ItemMaster maintains a database of content encompassing 1,700 consumer brands and roughly 82,000 different items. Launched to build a content library for Ahold USA's Peapod online grocery division, the now independent business works with a variety of retailers and product manufacturers.

Walmart has been working with a number of sources to expand and improve its already massive database of product content. Among its other suppliers are Gladson, Shotfarm, Salsify, Kwikee and WebCollage. 1WorldSync has been a key partner in the retailer's efforts to enhance omnichannel sales and marketing capabilities. (For additional information about the activity, see the attached file below.) 

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