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Lego to Mandate Supplier Sustainability Targets and Annual Reporting

Liz Dominguez
Over 99% of Lego's total carbon emissions come from outside operations, primarily suppliers.

The Lego Group has launched a new program that will require its supplier partners to reach certain sustainability goals by 2026. 

New requirements will include:

  • Data reporting on the carbon emission of products and services the Lego Group purchases
  • Near-term targets showing emission savings related to the production of these products by 2026, and expanded by 2028
  • Improved facility efficiency: fewer resources, switching to renewable energy sources where possible, and finding less carbon-intensive ways for transporting materials

These begin in 2024 and will require annual reporting from suppliers. 

While the company said it is progressing on its own sustainability measures, over 99% of its total carbon emissions come from outside operations, primarily suppliers. This builds on the Engage-to-Reduce program it introduced in 2014 to help suppliers report environmental data and lower their carbon, water, and forest impacts.

“To put it simply, a net-zero world is simply not possible unless we find solutions that are greater than our own operations,” said Annette Stube, chief sustainability officer at Lego. “We will not be able to meet our sustainability targets alone — we have to work in partnership with our suppliers.”

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Lego’s Sustainability Push

The effort is part of Lego’s larger goals to reduce enterprise-wide emissions by 37% by 2032 and achieve net zero by 2050. 

Lego initiatives include: 

  • Doubling solar capacity by 2026 
  • Using an annual Carbon KPI to measure emissions across factories, stores, and offices
  • Increased spending on environmental initiatives by 60% in 2023 compared to 2022
  • Investments in sustainable materials, manufacturing tech, and the supply chain

“Sustainability is a license to operate and a requirement of how we do business, including how we select our suppliers. We have ideas and we have a pathway, but we cannot do it alone,” said Carsten Rasmussen, COO. “We need all our great partners to help us achieve our sustainability targets. The Supplier Sustainability Program is founded on collaboration and we cannot underestimate the power of working together to create real, lasting change and a more sustainable future.”

More Sustainability Progress

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