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Virtual Fireside Chat: Making the Most of Consumer Data

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Effectively and strategically capturing, analyzing and leveraging consumer data is vital in today’s constantly evolving consumer marketplace. Connecting with shoppers is an even bigger priority now with the onset of COVID-19, bringing unprecedented and shifting demands. 

That's why consumer goods companies must have their finger on the pulse of the end-user and leverage big-data insights throughout the organization if they are going to compete with the industry’s leaders.

This month, I caught up with three industry experts for a virtual roundtable interview: bringing together thought leaders with diverse backgrounds to discuss how to make the most of the data you already have, and how to make sure you have the data streams you truly need.

Here, we discuss the proper strategic approach to consumer data management as well as the technological prowess that will allow consumer goods companies to turn data into insight, and insight into action. View the series of short video interviews to find out what they had to say. 

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