The acquisition will significantly expand Hitachi Consulting's footprint with the addition of offshore Global Development Centers in Hyderabad, India, and Guangzhou, China along with a global delivery model.
The integrated technology solutions provider successfully transitioned its entire client base to the new data center and is now preparing for private cloud computing capabilities.
After installing an ERP system that filled a desperate need for advanced planning tools, Jelly Belly Candy Company set its sights on deploying an accompanying customer relationship management system.
Alliance participants, including Coke, Kraft, and P&G among others, first convened in March 2010 to discuss the state of publicly available product data, and decided to form the alliance and work together to improve it.
There's no doubt that quickly and accurately unlocking insights from retailer data can yield enormous benefits for consumer goods firms. Here, the manufacturer of stationary products, lighters and shavers, explains how it had put an enterprise DSR to good use.
CIOs need to change their mindset and start considering the MES as a corporate-wide business application. A new report from IDC Manufacturing Insights analyzes the top global Manufacturing Execution System vendors in order to help you select the right application.