With a new solution, FX Luminaire saves countless hours by improving its workflow process, cuts costs by 75 percent on supplies every month as well as recycles inkjet cartridges, following to the companys sustainability initiatives.
Nestle deploys a scalable solution that will enable a much larger percentage of its customers to realize the advantages of electronic invoicing and payment.
While some say the technology has fallen from grace, item level RFID is actually moving from pilots to deployments. Now, the Jones Group, Conair, Wal-Mart and more are working together to develop measurable value propositions and standards-based guidelines.
When news was released that Wal-Mart is RFID tagging garments, the media went nuts. Claims ran the gamut from consumer privacy concerns to surreptitious motives to RFID redo circa 2004. Here, IDC Retail Insights Research Director Leslie Hand debunks the rumors to provide a strong business case for RFID tagging in apparel.