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  • Store Brands Continue to Dominate Consumer Interest

    As shoppers economic concerns eased somewhat in the wake of the recession, some industry observers predicted that store brands would give up their recent gains as the economy rebounded. To the contrary, store brand sales reaching $88.5 billion overall, an all-time high.
  • Shiloh Reveals New DSR Software for CPG

    Shiloh DSR is focused on cross retailer analytics, as well as best practices for major retailers such as Wal-Mart, Target, and 65 others.
  • Kimberly-Clark, Wal-Mart Partner with Mobile App

    The mobile application is expected to make it easy for shoppers to check-in at Walmart and engage with Kimberly-Clark products at the shelf.
  • Walmart to Open 400 More Mid-Sized Stores

    Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to accelerate the opening of mid-sized Neighborhood Market stores based on a positive ROI seen from 185 existing stores. Plus, where will new Walmart Express stores pop up next?
  • Walmart, P&G, Kraft Share Sales & Marketing Tactics

    More than 200 consumer goods executives convened in NYC this week for the 2011 Consumer Goods Sales & Marketing Summit. In its eighth year, the event delivered invaluable insight on hot customer-facing topics with its thought-provoking agenda -- featuring Walmart, Kraft and P&G -- and abundant networking opportunities. Here is a recap of the event's many highlights.
  • Wal-Mart Acquires Social Media Company

    Kosmix's innovative technology platform searches and analyzes connections in real-time data streams to deliver highly personalized insights to users.
  • Walmart and P&G Grow Film Partnership

    The two companies are will continue to deliver family entertainment with the addition of five more movies to the Family Movie Night initiative in 2011.
  • Granada Sales Boosts Productivity with ERP Solution

    Granada, which provides private-label apparel to such top-tier retailers as Wal-Mart, Sears and J.C. Penney, selected NGC based on the strength of NGC's ERP solution and the company's extensive experience in the apparel industry.
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