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  • Sustainability

    Responsible business practices; being "green"
  • Retail

    Wal-Mart Stores Inc. recently announced that it will bring another 500 stores and clubs online with its RFID initiative by the end of this fiscal year, bringing the total number of its retail loccations using the technology to more than 1,000.
  • CGT Inside News - 10/04/2006

    Church & Dwight Co. Inc. and ACNielsen U.S. form a long-term arrangement designating ACNielsen as its primary provider of marketing information services on a global basis.
  • Christmas in June

    LEDgen shaves 20 days off the supply chain cycle to deliver lights in time for Christmas
  • Wal-Mart Extends RFID Roll Out

    Wal-Mart Stores Inc. will bring another 500 stores and clubs online with its RFID initiative by the end of this fiscal year, bringing the total number of its retail locations using the technology to more than 1,000.
  • Blyth Homescents Smells Sweet RFID Success

    Blyth Homescents International (BHI), division of Blyth Inc., will use ODIN Technologies for its Wal-Mart RFID compliance initiative.
  • Preparing for Takeoff

    Mid-market companies poised to ascend to higher altitudes
  • Proof of Progress

    EPCglobal US President Mike Meranda talks about RFID post UHF Gen 2 standard approval
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