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  • Direct to Consumer Continues to Rise

    A new survey reveals that the use of social and mobile channels are increasingly helping consumer goods companies become more comfortable with the direct-to-consumer selling model. In fact, the number of companies selling products directly to consumers isexpected to increase from 24 percent to 41 percent over the next 12 months.
  • Columbia Sportswear Expands Global E-Commerce

    PFSweb was selected to provide multiple direct-to-consumer services for the Columbia and Sorel sites.
  • P&G to Cut Non-Manufacturing Jobs

    In total, P&G aims to trim $10 billion of costs, including $1 billion in marketing costs and $3 billion in overhead costs.

  • Connected Innovation: General Mills Brings Outside Expertise In

    General Mills knows a thing or two about baked goods. So, a delicious, nutritious, 90-calorie brownie would seem to fall right in the company's wheelhouse;but that wasn't exactly the case.
  • Cloud Computing and the CPG CMO

    Cloud computing is a topic of importance for not only Chief Information Officer, but also Chief Marketing Officers. Pat Conroy, vice chairman, U.S. Consumer Products Leader, Deloitte LLP, discusses the ways cloud computing can transform business.
  • Consistency is Key: Herbalife Streamlines PLM

    With record sales of $2.7 billion in 2010, Herbalife Ltd. is a fast-growing global nutrition company. But with growth comes complexity. By 2007, the time had come for Herbalife to implement a PLM solution that would establish a single source of the truth for product information.

  • New Products: Here We Come!

    CGT Executive Editor Alliston Ackerman gives you a sneak peek into the trends and topics discussed in this month's issue
  • Johnson & Johnson Names New CEO

    The candidate succeeds Bill Weldon, who has served as Chairman and CEO of J&J since 2002.

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