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  • 2011 Top 100: Toys/Games

    The companies on this list have to be masters of rapid innovation. Find out which toy companies stayed on the "hot" list in 2010 and which ones lost the popularity contest.
  • Post Event Analysis

    Booz & Co. shares tips for building capabilities to maximize trade spend return on investment.
  • 2011 Shared Strategy Report

    To protect margins and keep customers from using stores as showrooms for online competition, retailers must collaborate with their suppliers more than ever. Download this report now and learn the value of collaborative relationships in areas across the enterprise, including consumer strategies, supply chain, proximity sourcing, and much more.
  • 2011 Top 100: Packaged Goods

    No. 1 player P&G sustained its growth trajectory in 2011 despite significant business and economic challenges, as did many of other companies on this list, making it one of the healthiest verticals in 2010.
  • 2011 Top 100: Apparel, Accessories and Footwear

    Tommy Hilfiger, Timberland and Liz Claiborne are just a few of the brands that found new homes in 2010 and 2011. Find out how brand shuffling is affecting the ranks in the apparel, footwear and accessories market.
  • 2011 Top 100: Housewares/Appliances

    The DIY consumer didn't lose steam when it came to spending in 2010. Overall, this category experienced little loss. And with 125 percent growth, Stanley Black & Decker proved the runaway hit.
  • Nestle Expands NHW Footprint in US

    Nestle reports significant progress in the areas of Nutrition, Health and Wellness (NHW) in the United States during 2011.
  • Study Reveals Mobile Solutions Reduce Costs, Generate ROI

    Consumer goods companies are challenged with how to best leverage enterprise mobile solutions to add value both to the company's productivity and the customers' user experiences. IDC and Spring Wireless reveal exclusive study findings on how to reduce costs, such as travel, by 15 percent to 20 percent, and generate significant ROI.

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